Posted November 3, 2010 at 3:32 pm

First things first: The Robin statue's preorder price of $34.95 ($5 off the full price of $39.95) is only in effect until next Wednesday, November 10! Get her early and get her cheaper!
Those Super Mario PVC figurines that both Amber and I enjoy changed corporate hands, like, years ago, and finally the new company put out some new product that I care about. It's still not a new tooling or something, and it's, well, Yoshi repaints, but it's new! It's neeeeeewww!
So I found this "limited edition" three-pack of Yoshis at Toys "R" Us the other day. Randomly. So if you need more Yoshis, I point you in their direction.
Man, what my Super Mario display really needed was more heroes versus more villains, certainly. Oh well.
Tags: mario