Posted January 10, 2012 at 11:00 pm

Loooong ago, Japan had their very own redeco of Jazz which they gave Cyclonus's Targetmaster gun, and they called it Stepper. It was very expensive to buy in America, once America figured out this thing existed. Years later, it'd get released as "Ricochet" in America as a Toys"R"Us exclusive for $30, eventually clearanced to... less than that. Long story short, if you bought an original Stepper as an investment or something, let's hope you sold yours before like 2002.
There's a new Jazz in town, and that means there's a new Stepper. He's once again a Japanese exclusive, and once again he's stolen his concurrent Cyclonus's gun. Given the circumstances, he'll probably be more hotly contested on the secondary market than the original.
Reveal the Shield Jazz, from whom this was redecoed, is a pretty fantastic, solid toy, so I'm happy to have a second character from it. (And we're bound to get at least one, if not more, of this toy in various colors at BotCon this year.) I don't have a huge fondness for Stepper/Ricochet the character, but I do love Targetmasters. And I'm enamored with the comic which featured Stepper that came out earlier this year.

I do wish they'd taken the time to drill a 5mm hole into his roof so Nebulan/Nightstick had somewhere to go in car mode. That seems like a missed opportunity. And the white paint on half his knees doesn't quite match the white plastic on the other half. It's a conspicuous difference in most lighting. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy. I also haven't gotten a new Transformer in what feels like an eternity, so I'm probably going to be a little happy regardless. But I feel confident I'll still like him later.
Though, man, somebody update his flame deco, okay?