Posted January 15, 2012 at 11:22 pm

Hooray, sort of!
See, his index finger kinda got snagged inside the card bubble, and so it's permanently jutting off at an unnatural angle. You can see it in the photo -- no, that's not his thumb. And his articulation is really frustrating. You'd think they'd want you to be able to replicate his stance in his painting! But no, that's impossible. All they needed were some elbow swivels so he could get his one hand on his hip and his other arm in position. So close. So close.
I am a little disappointed, but not surprised, that he can't do a crazy action pose. That would tickle me in all the right places, but his skirt keeps him from doing much with his legs, even though he has the ankle articulation to support a wider variety of stances than are available to him. So he'll just stand, arms awkwardly jutting off his torso in whichever direction looks the least dorky.
The sculpt itself is very good! He looks like Vigo. (At least, as I compare him to the painting replica.) The painting replica is also a good accessory. It's lenticular, so as you turn it back and forth, Vigo appears and disappears from the painting.
But he's no Walter Peck, that's for sure.
Tags: ghostbusters, vigo the carpathian