Posted July 5, 2010 at 5:34 pm

Ethan is me. Well, only sometimes, but this is definitely one of those times.
(The dog is based on Meredith Gran's adorable puppy, Heidi, who I got to meet last Wednesday during the book signing. She loves her ball more than life itself.)
This weekend is ConnectiCon! I will travel across the country to Hartford, Connecticut, where the folks sure love their Dunkin Donuts. Don't they know that I'm a Tim Horton's boy? I'm told I'll be down in the Real Dealer's Room this year! So you'll be able to find me! I'll be next to the other webcomics. Just look around the guy dressed as Goku, and that'll be me right there. Maggie will also be with me, to make sure I don't bite anyone for trying to touch my tennis ball action figures.
I should probably make a Shattered Ravage print or something. I think his popularity has eclipsed my own.