Posted October 10, 2011 at 11:04 pm

So I've been sitting on this extra Club Nightbeat for a few years, meaning to eventually kitbash it into Shattered Glass Nightbeat. What's kept me from doing it for so long is that there was paint removal required, and after removing paint from Obsidian to make Rotorbolt, I felt confident in the procedure.
After all, the most important thing to remove is the tampos, right? Those came right off Obsidian, no probs! Like wiping spilled soup off the table. If the normal paint doesn't come off, that's fine, since SG Nightbeat just needs to paint over everything with black. It's just the flames on the doors that have to go before I can start painting him.

So I throw Nightbeat into a vat of alcohol. It took Obsidian about 24 hours before anything began to fall off of him. But 12 hours later, all of Nightbeat's paint is wiping off. And, grargh, you guessed it, his flames remained. Well, okay. I took most of Nightbeat out, kept the doors in the alcohol and... it's been three days, I think, and I'm still trying to get rid of those stupid flames. I have a brush and I have some paper towels, but the only tool that's making headway is my own fingernail.
It's quite infuriating.

Oh and apparently the alcohol made his translucent knee-roofs brittle and they broke. But that is absolutely fine. Really, it is. As you can imagine with an owner of a Hot Shot Shrine, I have an extra Energon Hot Shot or two. I'll just repaint and swap out those translucent pieces, no big.
Still. Grrarghghglglgglllghrg.