Posted April 13, 2011 at 2:10 am

The second guy from Scrapheap's e-Hobby three-pack is this translucent redeco of Classics Rodimus. He's blue and greenish with some yellow. He's supposedly intended to represent the scene in The Transformers: The Movie where Hot Rod is at Optimus Prime's deathbed and he catches the Matrix of Leadership as it's being passed from Optimus to Ultra Magnus.
He's sort of pretty.
That's about all I have to say about him.

I'll be auctioning him soon, whenever I get around to it. I mean, he is sort of pretty, but I don't need him. I've got two many versions of this mold in the house already, and one of them I also need to sell! (Challenge at Cybertron Rodimus) And I've got a Transformers Club Side Burn on the way. Yeah, this guy's got to go. I'll let you folks know when that happens.
I'm actually much more interested in the box's art than I am this little blue Rodimus. We'll see if I can cram in images of both it and this toy. If not, the box wins out. Sorry, Rodimus!
UPDATE: Whoops, looks like you'll have to go to TFWiki to see the car mode.