Posted August 26, 2010 at 2:01 am

The Mike statue is still stuck in customs (probably because he's calling all of their moms a prostitute), but that doesn't mean we can't forge ahead full speed on the next project!
Since the Rule 34 website (google it yourself) is apparently all about the torsos of the DeSanto girls, how about a 3D representation of one? Check out the cropped photo of the first pass on Patch Together's Robin DeSanto statue. It's friggin' godlike. These guys just keep getting better and better at making my characters into tangible things, short the unavoidable speedbumps such as Mike's Impossible Hair.
Robin is still up for preorder, and if you order her during the preorder period, you get $5 off the price for jumping on it so early! That's a steal, especially for how amazing this thing is gonna be when it's done.
Rule 34 is not so big about Amber. They only care about her if she happens to be in the same edited image as Robin.
Tags: robin desanto, statues