Posted September 19, 2012 at 12:16 am

For some reason, the toy that was originally designed and solicited as Transformers Prime Deluxe Class Ironhide, based on Ken Christensen's design for Prime Ironhide, ended up being redecoed and released as Kup instead. And like I said, it works pretty well. They're both pickup trucks who are old guys who have windows on their chest, and neither of them is particularly shy with weaponry. But Kup is green and Ironhide is red. This is how you tell the two old guys apart.

Ironhide's character is pretty huge, especially in these post-Michael Bay days, and this toy's design reflects that. What I mean to say is his head is tiny compared to his body. In a more perfect world, he would have been a Voyager Class toy. Instead, he's the size of Deluxe Arcee and with a head half the size. It makes him look kinda Classicsy, really, since a frequent feature of G1 toys is their pinheadedness. He's got a small head and he's blocky and rectangley. Plus he has a nose. Deluxe is a better size for Kup, I think, but his tiny head makes him look really out of place next to other Prime toys.

I'm sad this guy isn't who he was originally supposed to be, with no known stateside release at the moment, but I do like Kup way better than Ironhide, so that works for me.
UPDATE: I have added an image of Deluxe Kup next to Cyberverse Commander Ironhide because many folks are apparently confused about Kup's size and there was no way to slip any more iterations of the word "Deluxe" into this blog post without sounding like a jerk.
Tags: kup, transformers prime