Posted November 28, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Back in the late Eighties, Japan didn't get Thunderwing. Instead, they gave Thunderwing's oni-styled Pretender shell a new head and chest and tried to pass him off as a different, fully robotic character. He was Black Shadow, whose function was Space Mafia!
...well, it is if you're not very precise at translating his function from Japanese into English, anyway.
No, he's "just" a space gangster. Which is still space cool, but I think the phrase "space mafia" evokes the imagery of a single guy who is the ENTIRE friggin' space mafia. He is all space gangsters combined. That always pumped up his reputation in my mind. He was not a dude to mess with. He runs everything, and not nicely. Black Shadow is a one-man Illuminati, with guns.

And because Hasbro was on the Good Crack this year, not only did we get a new Thunderwing toy, but they also made sure he had an extra head and chest somewhere on the tooling so that we could get Black Shadow later. Though he's "Sky Shadow" and his bio mentions nothing about gangsters or mafias or even racketeering.
Ah well. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Its head might end up under your bed sheets later.
Tags: thunderwing, black shadow