Posted February 3, 2012 at 9:34 pm

I got some United toys today from Japan! One of them was Windcharger versus Wipe-Out. I already have a Windcharger, so the United one went immediately on eBay. Go bid on him! I kept the Reveal the Shield one I already had 'cuz I like rub signs. Bidding started at $5 and the auction lasts five days.

It may amaze you, but Wipe-Out is Windcharger in black and blue. To my eye he has two fewer paint apps than Windcharger, missing the paint around his grill and the vent on his hood. (Neither of those are necessary here, so I don't miss them or anything.) Instead of the flat black painted windows Windcharger has, Wipe-Out has glittery blue painted windows which look very nice.

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