Posted July 10, 2013 at 11:26 pm

But seriously, guys, WRECKERS COMBINER DUDE. This is usually the stuff of bad fanfic, but I'm allowing it. For one, there's no accompanying fiction to remind us all of The Beast Within. (No, that job's being filled by the current Monstrosity digital miniseries.) And technically these guys are all from the Aligned continuity family, and those versions of the Wreckers can combine if they wanna. They can even combine into a weird homage to RID Ruination, apparently. Roadbuster can be a green and orange offroad vehicle like Rollbar, Topspin can be a white and orange shuttle like Movor, Twintwist can be a blue tank like (America's) Armorhide, and Whirl can be a dark blue and orange helicopter like Ro-Tor. Impactor does his own thing. He's like the wind, baby.

The individual guys all come with additional weapons, with one or two based on real weapons from the Fall of Cybertron game. Everyone also comes with the weapons that came with the original versions of the molds, and there aren't really any good ways to integrate both sets of weapons into any mode. And unlike the first set of weapons, the new set of weapons don't combine. They're just there to be value-adding and package-filling, I guess. The newer weapons are all pretty hefty, too, which is unfortunate due to the weak balljoints of most of these dudes' arms. Dang.
And, hey, good news! Apparently the Transformers Collectors' Club wants to redeco Roadbuster as Ironfist as one of next year's Subscription Service guys, so, hey, later you can have a slightly different line-up of Wreckers to combine into Ruination if you want. And who knows, maybe we'll get Whirl done as Rotorstorm or Twintwist done as Guzzle or Topspin done as... uh...Verity Carlo?
Anyway. Wreck and rule.
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