So I'll be keeping busy for a while. And probably be rewatching a lot of DVDs while creating more stacks of enveloped books like the ones on the right.
When I've not been reassembling my site from its sudden shambles, I've been sending out the "The Shortpacked!: The Movie" posters! Here's a photo of a few posters underneath one of the character sketches some lucky dude ended up with. There's more where that came from!
But not too much more. These things are limited.
The "The Shortpacked!: The Movie" posters arrived in the mail this very morning, on Shortpacked!'s seventh anniversary! Pretty damn sweet! I tried a million times to get the colors to show up correctly on my camera, but this is the best I could do. Imagine it looking roughly 400% prettier.
Though they are limited, there are still some of these left! You can even splurge and get a piece of original character artwork from me as well! All proceeds go to the "David and Maggie need to get the hell out of the house for once" fund.
I will start putting some of these in the mail to those who ordered them just as soon as it stops being The Deluge out there.