Posted July 22, 2018 at 12:25 am

Hey, look! Slash got a retool! The lady Dinobot got a new head and is now the 1988 Firecon character Cindersaur!
Okay, first of all, Slash is a great toy. So Cindersaur is still a great toy. So, like, that's still a recommend. The new head doesn't alter the transformation at all, and though the new colors are a little monotonous in raptor mode (without the robot mode's green face and touches of gray), it's still a vibrant-looking thing. So thumbs up just based on that.
But there's more! All of the Power of the Primes toys come packed randomly with one of 12 different cards that give a different Prime-based power. Ten of these cards are irrelevant to the rest of this paragraph, but of the final two, one uses male pronouns and the other uses female pronouns. (the female card was discovered before the male card, and for that day and a half or so, the toy was known affectionately as "Cindysaur") Maybe someone got their wires crossed and accidentally used Slash's pronouns on one of the cards, but the new Cindersaur head is sculpted the way Hasbro tends to sculpt their women characters: there's lips and a smile and some softened features.

Or, we could just take the text as given and determine that Cindersaur is genderfluid. They're male sometimes, female sometimes, and, heck, maybe it changes depending on which Prime Master is plugged in. That's my take-away, anyway.
Look... *throws the pack-in cards down on the table* ... it's canon.
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