Posted January 9, 2012 at 1:26 am

Well, it was up Friday, but if you're not after a customization class, there's no rush to tell other folks after those first five minutes. Getting into the customization class was something I indeed managed, but only because I happened to be page-refreshing at the time. I lucked out! I'd just walked away from the other computer, where I was drawing today's Shortpacked!, with my phone next to me thinking I'd get Twittered. But there's enough of a delay between the registration physically going up and the Twitter/email notices that you lose a large margin of opportunity for the very limited classes. Hell, I don't think some people got the email until both classes were sold through. I didn't get the Twitter notice until I was done registering.
Even though I got in, it's still discouraging, because I know how lucky I was. I have to remind myself not to get used to getting into these classes, or think of it as a perennial thing. I can't allow my mind to think I'm "completist" on these customization class figures, or else I'll get angry when luck doesn't go my way the next time. It's just a fun thing to do, David. It's just a fun thing to do.
I know, I know, first world problems.
Anyway, enjoy tiiiiiiiny pictures of Metalhawk and SG Ultra Magnus. We'll get to see bigger pictures of them this coming week.
Tags: botcon
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