Posted July 12, 2013 at 1:36 am

I wasn't in the actual class, so I didn't get the stickers that were intended for the toy, but I tried to make do anyway. I'm also still waiting for a specific color of green to arrive in the mail so I can paint the middle of the crotch, but I'm gonna be on an airplane in a day or so, so I figgered I'd take a picture and show you now anyway. Another difference between mine and the official instructions is I put a Decepticon logo on mine instead of an Autobot one. In my day, Vehicon Blastcharge was a former Decepticon who worked for the original Megatron, and I've been hankering for a toy of him in that hinted-at Decepticon form since then. And I'm not feeling terribly beholden to this year's storyline about clones and whatnot, so I have managed to break free of my MUST ADHERE TO CANON neurosis and change up his faction symbol to one that makes me happier.
All that said, this is a pretty great idea for a redeco, and I'm glad that it exists and that I can have it.
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