Posted December 12, 2005 at 11:56 am

I guess I should get around to mentioning my most recent limited print on the blog. Well, I have! So there.
Tonight I didn't go to bed. Well, okay, technically, I went to bed for about an hour or so and then got up, but I never actually slept. I'm insomniac by nature, and my bedtime had finally crept up to about 6am. So it's time to force another 18 hours out of myself so I can go to bed at a reasonable hour.
It doesn't help that my bed is the Most Uncomfortable Thing on the Planet. I can feel the springs, man. And the floor, probably. I've wisely asked my folks to get me a new bed for Christmas. Of course, this means I built up that Amazon Wish List for nothing. Drat. Alright, I suppose I have friends. WHATEVER.
So, anyway, here's to another 14 hours.
That new bed is going to be awesome.