Posted February 22, 2011 at 5:08 pm

I found this out, like, sixty seconds ago, so this is not exactly going to be a prepared statement, but apparently Dwayne McDuffie passed away for reasons that aren't known just yet. This is terrible! I know him best, personally, for creating and overseeing the vast majority of, y'know, the Justice League cartoon. I know! Seriously! He is not allowed to die! I don't think he was, like, old, either. He was still relatively young and spry! (Not that anywhere seems to list his birthdate to confirm.)
He's also known for creating Static, who most folks will recognize best as the hero of the cartoon Static Shock, and McDuffie was also well-known as being a crusader for writing non-white people in comic books as not horrible stereotypes. And he wrote the script to the animated version of All-Star Superman, which I just friggin' watched this friggin' morning. He is one of the best things to happen to the world, and I guess now he's gone, and this sucks so bad.
Man, what the hell.
EDIT: Since I first babbled out this post, Wikipedia has added his birthdate and we know the cause of his death. He was 49 and he died of complications due to surgery. Neither information makes me feel particularly better. Maggie and I watched some Justice League Unlimited episodes tonight. She's really been getting into them this past month -- I've shown her episodes before, but this month it's really clicked and it's become her newest obsession. (It and Young Justice.) It broke her (and my) heart to learn that the writer of "The Great Brain Robbery" is dead far ahead of his time. What an awesome dude he was. What a sad day this is.
Tags: justice league, dwayne mcduffie