Posted December 12, 2012 at 12:36 am

I can't scoff at the $5 raise. $15 in Today Money is equal to $10 in Past Money. Proportionally I'm paying the same amount for these things as I was in 1999. And in 1999 I was a poor college student who could barely afford Chef Boyardee, so I'm putting this one in the Win column.
It is surprising to me how much I like Sideswipe. I didn't hate Jazz or anything, but I seem to like Sideswipe (who Jazz was retooled into) so much more. I don't even like Sideswipe much! Sideswipe is boring! And I love Jazz. But Sideswipe just appeals. Maybe it's the smoother car mode. Maybe it's the colors. Maybe it's the large-ass gun. I dunno.

Sideswipe's new huge-ass gun is a Path Blaster, a weapon from the game which isn't nearly this huge. But I don't care that it's oversized, because the Path Blaster is named after the Pathblaster from the Marvel UK stories, which was indeed huge. And wielded by Roadbuster. Who's in the next wave. The design looks nothing like the old Pathblaster, but I'm still totes giving this thing to Roadbuster when I get him.
The only thing I actively dislike about Sideswipe are his eyes. I like his new head, but his eyes aren't so much eyes as they are black gouges on his face. He looks as if he has expired. I might try painting them, if there's anything there to paint and the eyesockets aren't portals to some cruel dimension of pain.
(My Jazz has the Reprolabels upgrade set, so he may not look just like yours.)