Posted September 1, 2005 at 1:38 am

So I've never bought any DC Direct action figures. I'm not really into $15 action figures, and the style didn't really grab me. I tend to like my Batman and Superman more animated or cartoonish. a year ago, they solicited a DC Direct series of figures based on Ed McGuinness' run on Superman/Batman. Ed McGuinness is totally my favorite superhero artist. I want to have five million of his babies. And, so, well, I had to get these.
They're about what I was expecting, quality-wise. If you're not Hasbro, Mattel, or one of the other big companies, your paint's going to be a little sloppy and the toys aren't going to be as sturdy -- Hasbro and Mattel have to worry more about child safety laws and moms and dads and indestructability in the face of toddler toyslaughter. (Which is good -- I prefer my toys oops-proof.) So when I took them out of the packaging, I spent a while pulling off a few hairs stuck to the figure while the paint was drying. I think a koala put these things together.
But after all that's done, these are some very nice figures. Limited movement, but I doubt super poseability was their intention. I wanted 3D replications of Ed McGuinness' art and that was delivered.
(I have to add that his Superman is pretty much definitive for me. The retro squinty-eyed look? Awesome.)