Posted December 21, 2005 at 2:33 am

So, yeah, Hasbro released images of Beast Wars 10th Anniversary wave 2 today. Oh damn, my pants are full. This is some hot shit. Tarantulas (though renamed "Predacon Tarantulus" for some reason...) looks beautiful. His head is all painted up purple and gold and green. Now that's the stuff, man. That's vivid. And check out that Rattrap! While they didn't have to change much to make him show accurate, the whiter limbs offer a dazzling value contrast. Mmmm. Too bad about the chrome. And wow, Dinobot. Finally they've painted your legs. It's not exactly show-accurate, but it's the best he's looked for sure. Daaayamn.
Dudes. Order a set. Now.
And since it's a Beast Wars day, have a preview of the first 12 pages of IDW's Beast Wars #1. (Any moment now, I suspect I will hear Derik Smith yeargh in continuity frustration. Possibly.)
And oh yeah, I guess there was a Shortpacked! tonight, which I must have drawn during some hazy point today when I wasn't busy masturbating to these.