Posted September 23, 2010 at 2:01 am

So, hey, Transformers: Drift #2 came out today. Last week, I made fun of Issue 1 for casually killing off G2 guys with reckless abandon, and Issue 2 does it one better! In the second and third panels of the first page, we see both Hot Shot and Shattered Glass Ravage all endeadened. Well, that's conspicuous, isn't it? The character I famously have a shrine of and the character I created?
And it's not just a coincidence. Artist Alex Milne writes on the IDW forums:
when i started issue 2 i had a battle scene between the autobots and decepticons and i asked a few of my friends who to draw in there. a few of them said i should draw hot shot, and i was like hot shot??? why the hell do i want to draw him??? i'm not the biggest fan of armada anyways. then one of them said it was Walky's favourite, but i still don't know if that's true or not, and i laughed, and i said, if you want me to put him in, i will. personally i don't care. so at first i asked my friends what characters to add, they gave me a few choices and when i then wanted to know the reason behind there choice they told me, and i got a laugh out of it.
so, no lie here. no favourite characters of anyone who i hardly know in issue one. in issue 2, there is. did i do it because that guy upsets me. no. i don't really care what he says. i did it because my friends thought it was be funny and it's a character not in the G1-G2 line that will be used. oh, and i'm not the biggest fan of armada, so theres that too.
Sweet! So basically, Alex Milne has a friend who not only hates me, but also has incredible control over what he draws in his comics for Hasbro. I'm genuinely flattered! I'm serious. I made a difference in someone's life. And I can't really throw a fit or anything. I make fun of IDW's comics plenty. I have little room for outrage. I'm mostly happy they (or their friends) know who I am.

I like attention.
The only thing that really bothered me about this whole affair was Editor Denton Tipton's response to people being upset that their favorite characters were being casually offed in the backgrounds.
I have no control over what Milne says (outside of this forum). Just like he doesn't have any control over what characters live or die. For the record: All those characters are generics. This wouldn't even be an issue if it weren't for the fascination with "canon."
"Fascination with canon"? Really? You're going to condescend to us for caring about the stories you sell to us for $3.99? If we see characters dying and we get upset, it's our fault for caring? Great.
And if Milne really doesn't have any control over who lives and who dies, maybe you should tell him not to draw characters dying. Because from where I'm looking, he sure does seem to be determining who lives and who dies. Or are we to disregard what we see in the comics we're reading?
Comic books are still a partially visual medium, right? Or did I miss a memo?
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