Posted December 27, 2011 at 1:44 am

So of course the BotCon 2012 brochure goes up Christmas Eve. The timing isn't actually a genuinely terrible thing, since it's just a brochure; the registration itself won't happen until later. This is just information nobody can do anything real with yet. But still, I am a creature of Internet Discussion and Speculation, and so the night Botcon brochures go up is sort of already basically Christmas for me already. But you have to pay attention to family! And open all their gifts! And not be starting threads with your phone about BotCon 2012's brochure while you're supposed to be paying attention to family and opening all their gifts!
Anyway, the theme this year involves the "mirrorverse" Shattered Glass Transformers invading the universe of the "real" Transformers. Big war! Etc! And according to TVTropes itself, this is right up my gay alley. (see "Author Appeal") I have to admit, multiversal bullshit is one of my favorite subjects. Plus, dude, you cannot believe how many new Recordicons are now eligible in Recordicons. I have now officially been given too much power.
Blah blah blah, SG Ultra Magnus leads a team blah blah blah there's also Overlord. You know the drill. Things.
Tags: botcon, shattered glass
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