First of all, a reminder that the Ethan statue is still up for preorder! Put in your purchase to ensure you'll get one. He's 7 meaty inches, baby!

By now Hayate's nigh-total awesomeness is a matter of public record. But how did he come to master the twin disciplines of housekeeping and martial arts? In the ?ashback to end all ?ashbacks, we journey back to Hayate's hapless childhood and his cryptic encounter with the girl who would change his life forever. Be forewarned--the drama tag will be pulled.
(Bolding mine.) That's right! I'm in your language, dudes! I'm deep inside it! Like a splinter, you're gonna have to get a sterilized needle and just dig at me for days. You'll never get me out.
You should blame Shaenon Garrity for this. And the only way to enact your vengeance is to buy a copy.
And finally, a bunch of artists at C2E2 doodled onto a piece of art that's being auctioned with its proceeds going to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. I was one of these dudes, and when I got the piece of art in front of me, at the time it only had some robot thing unknown to me and a drawing of G1 Ratchet. So I, of course, drew Animated Ratchet next to him. That's just what I do. It's how I roll. And then all this other stuff was added later which was not Ratchets. I tried to convince Joel Watson to draw a Ratchet, but he's all "lol no" and drew his boyfriend Riker.
It's an awesome assemblage of cartooning! If you have the funds, please bid on it. Parts of Japan are underwater and they need buckets.
Speaking of Joel, I've appeared in two of his C2E2 photocomics. I'm sorry.