Posted June 28, 2010 at 9:47 am

Meredith Gran is hopping from town to town on her Octopus Pie book release tour (this is a big deal!), and she's coming to Columbus this very Wednesday. The awesomer news is, it's a joint thing! You can come see both of us! It's kinda last-minute notice, but, hey, we're trying to put this thing together with both of us on the road, so my apologies. Ah, the whirlwind lives of webcartoonists!
It's going to be at the Laughing Ogre in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, and I should have more details for you when we make our stop in South Carolina on the way home from BotCon. I'll of course have book 3s and goodies, and Meredith will have her super awesome book with her and her winning self. Shattered Glass Ravage might even make an appearance.
Mark your calendars... for the day after tomorrow. Don't think of it as a last-minute rush, but as instant gratification.
Tags: octopus pie, webcomics