Posted December 7, 2011 at 9:53 pm

He is pretty great! Now, I have to qualify this statement in a number of ways. He's a Transformers jet, which means you can expect there to be a lot of robot stuff hanging off the underside of his alternate mode. Half of Starscream's mass in jet form is his legs hangin' off him. And the middle of the fuselage is clearly his robot mode chest, fake eyes and all. (If you look closely, you'll notice that Prime Starscream's chest is a swipe of Movie Starscream's face.) With these two things in mind, his jet mode is pretty strongly compromised. But it's still a fun little jet mode, and I'll tell you why I don't really mind, all things considered.

There's a larger, Voyager Class-sized Starscream coming out next year which will undoubtedly work out a few of the jet mode's kinks. I'm probably not interested, though. This Starscream is scaled better to my other toys. Who wants a Starscream that's bigger than (the inevitable Voyager Class) Megatron, anyway? Megatron towers over Starscream in the cartoon, and anything else on my toy shelf would just seem wrong.
Tags: starscream, transformers prime