Posted October 14, 2011 at 12:23 am

(And no, by "extremely fine" I don't mean I "went to town" on it.)
So, you know. Some paint happened, after all that was done. Most of the paint was extremely easy. I mean, it's just flat black. That shit paints itself. It's that damn yellow mohawk I needed to paint that gave me trouble. I must have tried that thing a billion times. Yellow paint sucked. Finally, I found my silver Sharpie, used that as a base coat, and then the yellow paint stopped just puddling off like Nightbeat was in the shower. Still wasn't thick enough to actually make it look like the bright yellow it's supposed to be, but whatever. It's done.
Jin Saotome was gracious in instructing me in how to put his decals on. It was forever ago that Shawn Tessmann, the BotCon customizer guy, told me how these things work. So Jin gave me a ringy-dingy, told me what's what, and the that was done. like 3 in the morning. I keep late nights. Mirrorverse Nightbeat was finally completed!
...until the next morning when I remembered that Cosmic Rust infections were part of his deco. That was a few more hours.

Hooray! That's the only version of a Hot Shot toy I didn't own. Cross that off my bucket list!