Posted December 14, 2005 at 9:25 pm

So after rounding up new comics this week from The Laughing Ogre (sadly, I only had Ultimate Iron Man #5 to pick up), I went searching for King Kong toys. I needed one. Toys R Us always seemed to have the biggest range of them, so we went there.
I ended up with Gripping Kong. He comes with an Anne figure, which was critical, and had a more neutral facial expression, so he wouldn't be roaring at her all the time. Yes, I want to have a happy Kong/Anne display because I'm a big fucking girl. (Besides, Anne is stuck in this very friendly wave gesture which would seem out of place if Kong's flailing her about while he kicks dinosaur ass.) He's also the "ultra poseable" one, but while he has lots of joints, they don't really allow a meaningful range of movement. Damn.
I also considered the Kong Vs. Juvenile V-rex set, with jaw-breaking action, but decided I'd rather have the neutral face. Which is too bad, because my Kong has nobody to fight. Maybe he and Optimus Primal can fight to the death or something.
So, anyway, thanks to the magic of Awesome Hangy Thing That Comes With, my Kong is delightfully carrying Anne up my lamp post. There's no sets that come with bi-planes for him to swat at, because Playmates is apparently trying to make me sad. Those rats.
I also found some of the next wave of JLU figures at Target! That was hurtful, because I just spent $10 on Kong, and there were 2 more $10 sets I needed. They were out of the Green Lantern 3-pack and the single-packed Supergirl and Steel, but I grabbed the two villain 3-packs. Pictures later!