Posted July 30, 2010 at 2:01 am

So of course, with the incredible backlog of toys I've been building up, I should talk about the guy I picked up like three hours ago.
Ah well. It'll probably be brief.
This is Hubcap! He's a Scout Class dude, which means he's about $8. He transforms into a super-retro automobile. This is awesome.
You can transform him from car mode to robot mode and back in about 15 seconds, no joke. This is also awesome.

If I had to mentally place him, aesthetically, with a previous toy line, I'd be leaning towards Beast Wars, with his balljointy limbs and roundish robot parts. This is additionally awesome.
His open-palm hands are exceedingly awesome. He looks natural standing, instead of looking like he's chronically tense.
And he's Hubcap. Super awesome.
I recommend him.
Tags: hubcap