Posted August 12, 2013 at 1:16 am

(The toy version of the comic also removed his alcoholism.)
(Because he's an alcoholic.)
(You see, because his 1984 tech spec said he was inefficient at metabolizing fuel, so...)

Like Skids (and also like upcoming Legends Class Tailgate and Swerve), Trailbreaker is based on his appearance in the current ongoing More Than Meets The Eye comic book. His robot mode, anyway! Also like Skids and Tailgate and Swerve, the toy gives him an Earth-ish style vehicle mode rather than the wacky-looking Cybertronic vehicle he is in the comic proper. This makes Trailbreaker look less like his comic book robot mode design than he would otherwise, because about 40% of his robot mode is his truck's front end. But make no mistake, the parts of his robot mode that aren't parts of his truck mode are definitely based on Alex Milne's design. Check out those Milne-style forearms (larger box connected to a smaller box with a little tab between them) and the sculpted FOC-style light-stripes Milne put on the thighs. Also, well, the feet. The armored-SUV parts are the only non-Milne stuff to be found on him.
The truck bed cover is removed during transformation to robot mode to become either a shield or be attached to his back to give him his usual double-cannoned silhouette.

He's the size that Deluxes are now. On the smaller end of Deluxes Through History, but still clearly a Deluxe.
I like him. He's fun. And he's an alcoholic except when edited for children. And he's in a comic I like.
Tags: generations, trailbreaker