Posted May 5, 2010 at 12:56 am

Yesterday I mentioned that Soundwave was the first of five nominees for the Transformers Hall of Fame. Nominee number 2 is Grimlock, who is equally unsurprising. I mean, yeah, once voting opens, Soundwave has this locked up, but Grimlock is the only guy who could possibly ever steal it from him. Even though he won't.
Just like Soundwave's Hall of Fame bio, Grimlock's also drops some new information about him. His speech impediment has been explained various ways before. In the Marvel stuff, he didn't talk right because talking right was for prissy losers. He talked badly because he wanted to. In the original cartoon, he didn't talk very well because he was a primitive creation of Wheeljack. (In fact, one could say that without a trip to Vector Sigma to endow him with life, he wasn't actually truly alive, but merely a complex machine.)
The Hall of Fame bio claims that his speech is fucked up because Scorponok damaged his voice processor during a battle. Well, okay, let's add that one to the pile, I guess.
Hopefully, Dinobot will be tomorrow's nominee. If not, I may be kind of fucked (I'll explain later), but if he is revealed to be a nominee sometime this week, I wonder what crazy retconned trivia we'll learn about him. Is he Megatron's son? Did he earn his rigid grill structure for pulling off a successful heist? Will we finally learn what a steses pod is?
Who knows. Other than us, potentially sometime tomorrow morning.