Posted December 16, 2005 at 1:19 am

It's true! Beast Wars is 10 years old! Celebrate with some 10th Anniversary figures! I will be getting all of them. Every single one. And I will bathe in them.
And though I do have enough Justice League figures to bathe in by now, I wonder why. As I mentioned Wednesday, I picked up two new three-packs. The first had Copperhead, Lex Luthor, and Mirror Master. I've been jonesing for Copperhead for a long while now. He's awesome. Also, orange. And you know me and orange. Despite that tail of his, he stands better than most normal guys. And speaking of normal guys and my growing JLU-collecting regret, Lex Luthor has a problem. His legs appear to be of DIFFERENT LENGTHS. Perhaps one of them is merely warped, I don't know. But he doesn't stand upright. He's from one of those V8 commercials, apparently. God damn. Mirror Master, amazingly, stands perfectly fine.
God damn, Luthor. Just when I thought I had seen it all...
The other set is three of the Justice Lords, an amoral version of the Justice League from a parallel dimension. Of the three, only Wonder Woman's head is a new part. Everything else is merely repainted, which means that we can see Batman and Superman's molded boot-and-pant lines under their new costumes. D'oh.
Why do I keep buying these? BECAUSE I LOVE JUSTICE LEAGUE.
'Scuse me while I go out and look for the Green Lantern 3-pack, Supergirl, and Steel.