Posted June 3, 2013 at 1:46 am

I bought it only for Lois. There's something about a mini-figure in a sweater vest that's inescapably alluring. Seriously, major crush forming here.
(As an aside, it's funny to me that Man of Steel Superman's hairpiece is the usual LEGO Superman hairpiece, with the swooshy S-curl hanging over his forehead, because why tool him a new one, even though MoS Superman ain't got that. Supermans is Supermans.)
I have no idea what the set itself is supposed to represent. There's this folding thing, and a sliding door, and a ladder, and there's some missiles. Sure? Why not? And then there's some egg-shaped space pod thing with a seat and a canopy and stuff. No idea what that is, either.
...I've decided it's one of those sex hotel rooms you pay for by the hour.