Posted September 3, 2005 at 4:50 pm

Finally, my DVD-exclusive Red Exillion (Japanese Hot Shot) came in today. Limited to 500, it was originally supposed to come out last June, but was delayed to late August. As it was so limited, it was pretty expensive, so you don't want to know what kind of art I had to draw to raise that. Well, okay, you probably do, but too bad.
He came with the first Galaxy Force (Transformers Cybertron) DVD and a nifty box to put the rest of the subsequent DVDs that I won't buy (which you can see here, along with lots of other photos). As is obvious to some of you, this version of Hot Shot was designed with many similarities to the original Transformers' Hot Rod, and this redeco colors him accordingly. Which is... not interesting to me, 'cuz I like Hot Shot a lot more than Hot Rod, but anything for awesome new (limited!) Hot Shot merchandise. Hey, at least I like orange, and it's certainly not the first time Hot Shot's been redone in Hot Rod colors.
Due to popular demand, here's a photo of my newly updated Hot Shot Shrine, featuring not only Red Exillion but an Armada Hot Shot magnet I got from Specimen-17 of The Allspark.