Posted April 27, 2010 at 2:01 am

I'm determined to get two books out this year. Shortpacked! Book 3 is the preorder everyone should be familiar with by now, but Roomies! Book 2 better be out by the end of this year, too! It's faaarr too soon to solicit it, since SP!B3 is still in production, but not too soon to finish putting it together. An idea for the cover hit me last night, and no sooner than this afternoon I had it completed to my satisfaction.
Take it in.

Since the new site went live, one of its most awesome features is the ability to order prints of individual strips simply by clicking the $ icon below each strip. Ha ha ha, so obviously the first one that got bought was Mike's freaky smile creep show. This is great, because I had to take this file into the print shop and have them give me strange looks as it comes up on the screen and again out of the printer. How much is my dignity worth? Apparently $10 and shipping.
Tags: amber, batman, beef, billie, books, danny, ddr, ethan, he-man, howard, jason, joe, joyce, lex luthor, mary, merch, mike, penguicon, robin desanto, roomies, sal, skeletor, tony, x-men