I tell you what, I did not care a lot about
Megatron's new stealth bomber body when it was
introduced in IDW's first ongoing Transformers title. I mean, I didn't hate it. It just kind of existed. It was undoubtedly a thing, just not a thing I gave a lot of thought about. And it had a big M on his forehead, which I'm not sure if I love or hate for its goofiness.
But then Hasbro decided not only to make a toy of it, but to also commission of comics about the toys they were making to include in the packaging. And so we got this amazing comic book both written and illustrated by Nick Roche. I wish Nick Roche would write more. Hell, I wish he would draw more. .... while he writes. He also both wrote and drew
Spotlight: Kup, which is another fantastic Transformers story, easily one of the best. The connect between what the story wants to do and what it actually does is strong. Not an inch is wasted.

You might roll your eyes at a "
Spotlight: Megatron" issue because, yeah, oh boy, FINALLY, there's gonna be a focus on Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, ABOUT TIME, but the comic book lives up to and exceeds your expectations. We see Megatron returning to life in a new body amidst his crumbling army, and we see how we begins to build that army back up again. He has a way of things, a formula, and center to that formula is
Starscream. However, Starscream's as much in shambles as the rest of the Decepticons, and so Megatron literally spends the issue beating Starscream back into his usual self again. And Jesus God, is it slashy, and not in a kind way. By issue's end, you have a perfect idea of how Megatron's brain works. It's brutal, but amazingly executed.

Stealth Megatron is a Deluxe. This means he's on the small size for towering over much of your collection as he should, but there's a Starscream who's arriving on pegs at the same time who is just about the right size relative to him. Legends Starscream is also an
IDW comics design, but a discarded one that was never used for Starscream himself (just Thundercracker). Also, this Starscream comes with a tiny
Waspinator partner/weapon. I'm just piling on the reasons to own these things, aren't I. And so I've been having my Deluxe Megatron smack my Legends Starscream around my desk since Megatron arrived in the mail. They're a good pair.
Despite Stealth Megatron's Deluxeness, he's pretty meaty. His arms have a great mass to them, and he just looks like this intimidating chunk of dude who could mess you up... so long as you don't put him next to anybody else in his size class. He transforms by bunching up into this pentagon-shaped thing, and then you tear his arm cannon in half and plug them into the ends for wings. It's a little complicated and messy the first time you try it, but on the second tries and beyond it gets pretty simple. The learning curve is fairly short.
And of course the comic book comes with it. If you don't own the comic book, pick up the toy just to read it, dammit. (Or
here it is on Comixology.)