I suppose it was inevitable that we'd get a toy of the last of the three original Decepticon Triple Changers. We got Astrotrain in 2006 and Tankor (Octane) in ... 2008? and here we are in 2013 with
Blitzwing! I am a little surprised he turned out to be a Voyager and not a Deluxe like the other two. Not that this is a bad thing -- lord knows Triple Changers are kind of a huge engineering challenge, so giving yourself more meat to work with seems like a smart idea. Though it does mean he kind of stands out next to his dinky pals, and if I had to pick one of the three to be the Giant One, I'd always pick Astrotrain. He's the guy that carries everyone else around, after all.
However, he goes pretty well with
RTS Lugnut, and I think I care about that more.
This Blitzwing even has the same face-changey gimmick as the
Animated Blitzwing. (2008's Animated Blitzwing is likely why it took from 2008 to 2013 to get a "Classics" Blitzwing. They're both Voyagers who are Blitzwing in Blitzwing colors who also Triple Change into a tank and a jet. He is kind of redundant to this guy on many levels.) I'm happy to see stuff from Animated stuffed into G1, rather than the other way around as it tended to. And it's not like Blitzwing loses anything by gaining this gimmick, mostly because there wasn't much to him to begin with.

This toy really makes use of the complexity of the size class. He's huge and full of hinges. This density of joints is absolutely fine except for at his shoulders. They just don't peg together well, and so if you try to rotate his shoulders around, his chest comes apart. This is annoying and stupid. There is a
way to fix it that involves unscrewing the front and back halves of his torso and sanding down the connection points so that everything's smashed together tighter in robot mode, but it sucks that you gotta do it. I attempted it, and it fixes it a little, but I think I need another pass or something. If this weren't a thing, there'd be little to complain about.
But yeah, he's pretty damn complex. Sure, you'd expect him to have wings that fold out, but he's also got little extra wing contours that also fold out to create a more full and natural wing shape. His jet cockpit opens. His tank turret rotates. Additional treads fold out from inside his legs. Tank mode skin folds out from inside his crotch to fill in the front.

His knees are a little high on his legs, though. It results in some awkward posing. It's somewhat understandable, given he's got treads in his shins, but still it's a thing.
It's kind of amazing how distinct you can make the vehicle modes of a Triple Changer when given all this extra mass to work with. There's even a surplus of pegs and tabs to keep everything where it needs to be in every mode. He's... comprehensive. Other than those friggin' shoulders, this guy's pretty amazing.
I mean, he's no Springer, but who is, really.