I'm gone, but that doesn't mean I can't load up some toy talk into the queue ahead of time!
First of all, let me get out of the way that I didn't realize the Unfortunate Implications of the photograph until, well, whoops. Anyway.
Check out these "Manhunter Robots"! This is to distinguish them, I imagine, from the non-robot Martian Manhunter. Lots of hunting of men in the DC universe. In theory. See, it's weird, because I don' t think Martian Manhunter even really ever hunted men. (He hunted that lost little girl once, I guess?) The Manhunter Robots, however, seem to better deserve the description. We've seen them hunt dudes! It was just John Stewart and it was in a terribly boring episode I never want to see again, but it happened.
Man, I hate that episode.
So, of course, I spent $15.99 plus tax (oh my god how did it come to this) to own characters from an episode I didn't even like. This is completism, folks. Don't let this happen to you. A decade ago I had to work myself up towards even buying a friggin' Batman and maybe a Joker, which took a lot of justifying at the time, and yet here I am now buying Manhunter Robots. What the fuck.
They come with Green Lantern. They also come with these little sticks. I had to look at a screencap or two to find out which end they hold the sticks by. I'm still not entirely sure.
But at least they're pretty appealing-looking. Big and angular and glossy. And new sculpts! They are very nice toys from an episode I couldn't care less about.
Somewhere out there is the other new 3-pack from this wave which includes Despero and Green Lantern again and that girl Green Lantern he banged who Mattel won't deco as her actual skin color for some reason. Maybe I've found it by the time this post publishes! Probably not.