Posted May 19, 2011 at 2:02 am

There's been a new Voyager Megatron for each live-action movie, and this is the first one I've bought. I always stuck with the Leader Class Megatrons, for good or ill. Why did I buy this one? Apparently we're not GETTING a bigger Megatron. I will be very happy if the Hasbro folks at Toy Fair had misspoken, but for now I'll have to make do with this smaller guy.
I'd stay with one of my older, larger Megatrons, but the design of this new Megatron really appeals to me. After movie 1's Cybertronic jet and movie 2's Cybertronic tank, this is live-action Megatron's first Earth mode. He transforms into a big tanker truck. A big tanker truck with a tarp over the back. A tarp that becomes a hooded cape in robot mode.
Hooded cape!

Judging by the way Megatron's face is sculpted, it seems he retains the physical damage Optimus Prime (plus Jetfire corpse) inflicted on him at the end of Revenge of the Fallen. So, vain creature that he apparently is, Megatron covers up the wrecked side of his face with his hooded cape and has retreated to somewhere on Earth as a tanker truck. Which is pretty bad ass. How many Transformers come with articles of clothing? Articles of clothing that TRANSFORM? During the transformation from robot to truck mode, the hood rotates into the interior of the rest of the cape and the resulting shape fits nicely over the back end of the truck.
Another awesome thing about the toy: in truck mode, his trailer is somewhat articulated, even though that area is Megatron's thighs. You can wiggle the trailer half of the tanker truck to and fro, independent of the cab. I forgot to take a photo of this because I am a dumbass. Maybe I'll rectify that later.
It's nice to have a movie Megatron with vehicle mode parts. That's just satisfying in itself.

Like the rest of the Deluxe-and-larger Dark of the Moon toys, Megatron comes with a MechTech weapon. His is his arm-cannon, of course, and it's formed from the front half of his tanker. Plug it into his arm, yank the ladder, and the cylinder opens up into a claw. Unlike the Deluxe MechTech weapons, the Voyager MechTech weapons can retain their open configuration. Play with the ladder a bit and the claws will stay deployed. If you want to put the cannon away, you can plug it into his back.

The transformation is complex but not annoying. There's lots of twists and turns, and it's pretty satisfying to have to break up vehicle mode kibble here and there on a movie Megatron toy. The prior movie Megatron toys didn't really have to do that sorta stuff since they transformed from one pile of detail into another.
It's just too bad that he's not bigger. I hope Hasbro changes their mind, or were lying or whatever, and we get a big-ass Leader Class toy of this design later down the road. For now, though, this Megatron will have to face off against Twilight Prime and his moon nipples.
Tags: megatron, dark of the moon