I'm not sure there's a lot to say about this purchase. I got it for three reasons:
1. I like Transformers
2. I like Evangelion
3. I like purple, orange, and green on things that shouldn't be
Or, wait, four reasons:
4. Mad porn monies
If you've handled Masterpiece Optimus Prime The Second, you'll know this guy's deal, but Convoy Mode "EVA" is in crazy secondary colors instead of the usual primary colors. There's a little Spike painted up in NERV uniform, an intricately-decoed trailer, plus an ax and a Matrix crystal done up in blood red. It's insane crosspromotional zealotry between two of my favorite properties, against all reason, and I had to have it.
Anyway, now TFWiki has a Misato Katsuragi article, the end.