Posted February 10, 2011 at 8:10 pm

But I've sort of hit Breakdown saturation, so I didn't blog about it.
This week, though, I'm excited again. BotCon's revealed their third toy, Drag Strip, who's also in original Drag Strip colors. a girl. Ha ha ha. She's been female-ized! There's only so many sports car molds in the Animated toyline, see, and Arcee happened to be one of them. So this is a thing that has happened.
I'm actually all for it. Arcee's a great mold, and the Transformers universe can use more chicks. Especially yellow ones. The BotCon Twitter feed seems to suggest she's characterized as Kill Bill's the Black Mamba, who was also a sword-wielding yellow chick. Watch out for your eyes!
NOTE: No, you are not the first and/or only person to come here and make a HUR HUR DRAG AMIRITE?? joke. They tire me. They will be deleted. If you want them, try every single other Transformers forum or blog on the face of the planet.