Posted February 29, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Like all of the other "Robots in Disguise" Revealers, Arcee is an entirely new mold apart from her "First Edition" version. And just like Cliffjumper, she relies more on faux kibble for her transformation. Instead of the front of the bike splitting apart and folding down to become her upper torso, the entire front of the bike now hangs off her back. This results in a more "show accurate" chest, but I think I'm preaching to the choir when I say that's not a step in the right direction.
I do not, however, want to give the impression that this is a disappointing or terrible toy. It is not. In fact, it's superior to the FE in a few ways.

Secondly, I like that she's shorter. FE Arcee was taller than both Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, which just won't do! RID Arcee is about a head shorter than FE Arcee, which is loads better, though not perfect. I will take better over worse any day of the week, however.

There are some downsides, of course. She only comes with one blade. It combines with a giant version of the blaster her arms can transform into on the cartoon. She loses both her waist articulation, her wrist articulation is now a balljoint and keeps her from being able to put her hands on her hips most excellently, plus she lost all of her pink. I assume the latter is because of Boys, who tend to be strongly sexist at the toy's target age.
I now have all three of Prime Arcee's toys! How did this happen?
(I may have to sell the FE. Hey, it has Reprolabels on it!)
Tags: transformers prime, arcee