Fall of Cybertron Brawl is probably the weirdest of the Bruticus limbs. Part of his weirdness I'm sure stems from him being one of the designs from the first game. Unlike Swindle, Vortex, and Blast Off, Brawl already had a set robot mode and vehicle mode which they had to incorporate into the design for Bruticus, instead of being able to start from scratch. And I really liked the design from the first game! ... but this isn't a particularly good toy of it.

The culprit is, obviously, him having to be both an arm and a leg in addition to the hovertank and robot modes already given him. And for this to happen, apparently he's mostly backpack, with some dragging coattails. Brawl's robot mode is small and spindly, which is very not like the
giant massive titan seen in the first game. His giantness probably took some influence from the
live-action movie Brawl, who was a giant green guy with two barrels on his back, versus the
original Brawl, who was a normal-sized green guy with one barrel on his back. Incorporating new ideas into older characters, especially those who are as blank slate-y as Brawl, is something I enjoy, so I was happy to see that. But most of that is lost in this toy's interpretation of the design.
It's an awkward robot mode. Easily the worst robot mode of the set of five. He's not good at standing, either.

Thankfully, his leg and arm modes are interesting enough to compensate a little! His default limb is the left leg. It's not quite just the tank mode stood on its ass like
Swindle and
Blast Off are. There's some stuff to do with the turret and the rear-end of the tank, plus you gotta fold down a foot. Mercifully, the foot pegs into notches on the robot arms. Otherwise, the foot is too floppy to support his weight.
Like the foot mode, Brawl's arm mode is also not just the tank mode with a fist attached at the end. In fact, most of the tank mode isn't used for the arm itself at all. The legs of the robot fold down and out from the tank mode and form the arm itself. Two sets of two fingers deploy from the sides of the super robot's wrist, and which sided arm you're making him into determines which of his feet you unfold as his thumb. It's neat looking. Though it does result in the double-barreled turret pointing at Bruticus' own head.